About this site:

Hello, I'm the blogger Emailer Prevailer, if it means anything to you, and I'm here to put all your worries at rest with those crazy unwanted emails! Also I'm new to this so please give me a break!

It's in it's early stages right now, in otherwords I'm building it up, but my primary goal is to make sure you have a bit of a laugh with those threatening S C A M emails that continue to drop into your email one way or the other. As I get going I will be responding to some of these scammers just so I can get some more info on them and their game! I intend to start doing this by Oct 24 2011, and I am!
Please feel free to add your comments, or email me the best one's you've received yourselves. Please no bad language, so I can try to keep this a "PG" style blog! Remember, I'm not taking this that seriously, and I will cancel the blog unless you wonderful people make some comments, good or bad.

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